About the Journal


The Cadernos da CGU is a technical and professional journal, promoted and disseminated in special editions by the Office of the Comptroller General (CGU).

This journal was inaugurated in 2021, to serve as a space for institutional publications by CGU.

Its mission is to improve public administration for the benefit of society, by disseminating and promoting knowledge and professional experiences applied to the following themes: accountability and anti-corruption policies; internal control and public audit; governance and risks control; correction and administrative accountability; transparency and social control; public integrity and ethics; ombudsman and social participation; and preventing and combating corruption.

Therefore, the Cadernos Técnicos da CGU is an institutional journal that differs by its nature, from the Revista da CGU. While the Revista da CGU is an academic journal that rigorously dedicates itself to disseminate new research in compliance with the scientific method, submitted to the double-blind review process, the Cadernos da CGU aims to disseminate to society the experiences and good professional practices in matters of competence within CGU's competence.

We are open to learning about your experiences through the submission of articles written in Portuguese, English, and Spanish. Our editorial policies and submission guidelines are also available in these three languages.



The Guidelines for Authors and the calls for papers in the special editions of this journal present guidelines for submitting articles. These guidelines affirm Cadernos Técnicos da CGU's commitment to ethical standards, institutional management guidelines, and technical-professional values ​​for the performance of authors, editors, and reviewers, as well as for ensuring the quality of published works.

The Process Evaluation begins with the receipt of the article, which is analyzed, in a desk review format, by the responsible editor or evaluator. The relevance of the work is evaluated about the Mission and Scope of the journal, among other criteria established by the call for papers in the special edition to which the article was submitted.

At this stage, reviewers can reject contributions that are not close to the thematic boundaries of the journal or that do not respect the basic principles and guidelines of the call for papers.

After the approval, the contribution will go through a copy-editing process, including checking the bibliography and language. This step may involve additional clarifications from the authors and suggestions for adapting the article to grammatical norms. The articles will be published in electronic format on the Cadernos da CGU website and associated repositories.



The Cadernos Técnicos da CGU adopts an Open Access Policy, which establishes that all works approved for publication are made available free of charge and permanently, in their entirety, and without the requirement of prior registration.

We provide access to both editions and each of the published works through our own electronic addresses and PDF files.

In this way, reading, downloading, copying, sharing, printing, research, or referencing of published works is permitted without the need for prior permission from authors and editors, subject to the Copyright Statement of this Journal.



  • Contributions must present an objective discussion about the meaning of the work, containing introduction, objective, development, and conclusion, as well as sufficient details and references.
  • Authors must ensure that their work is entirely original and that citations are properly presented. Plagiarism in all its forms constitutes unethical behavior and is unacceptable. Statements with fraud or inaccuracies also constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable.
  • Authors must not submit contributions that are under evaluation for consideration by other journals.
  • The author responsible for the submission must ensure that there is complete acceptance by all co-authors about the final version of the article and its submission for publication.



The Cadernos Técnicos da CGU was created in 2021, to meet the interest of the Office of the Comptroller General in developing an institutional journal, of a technical and professional character, without being so strictly concerned with the scientific method, or with the double-blind review process, to which an academic journal must be submitted and evaluated.