ICIC 2021 extends deadline for submission of articles until December 1st 2021




The 12th International Conference will bring together experts and professionals from around the world to discuss specific themes around transparency and access to information. The Conference will be held virtually and will be divided into 8 panels, which will be held on the last Wednesday of each month, beginning on May 26th, 2021.  

In preparation for the event, the Office of the Comptroller General (CGU) invites paper submissions that will be featured in a special issue of its professional journal Cadernos da CGU, which will be dedicated to the topics related to the Conference.  

We invite you to submit your full paper addressing the Conference themes.  All proposals for papers must be submitted via this online system (Click on here to submit) by December 1st, 2021. A confirmation email will be sent up to ten days after submission. The acceptance of the paper will be communicated by December 15th, 2021.  

Participants whose papers are approved may be invited to present their research at events promoted by the Office of the Comptroller General (CGU) during or after ICIC 2021.  

After the acceptance,  the selected participants will have some more time for eventual revision asked by the editorial of the Journal of the Office of the Comptroller General and to submit a final version of their work for the special section ICIC 2021 of the Cadernos da CGU.  



Participants must submit their articles by December 1st, 2021.    

Please read the submission rules before submitting your paper. 

  1. The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the paper before submission. 
  2. The presenting author must be listed as the first author. 
  3. All papers should be submitted and presented in one of those languages: English, Spanish or Portuguese. 
  4. You can submit more than 1 paper.  
  5.  Please note that the submitting author will receive all correspondence about the paper so we advise that the submitting author details that are entered are the same as those of the presenting author.  


Before you begin, please prepare the following information: 

     1.  Paper Topic: the authors are invited to connect the content of the paper with one of the topics featured in the Conference, which are the following:  

  • Transparency and trust in pandemic times 
  • Blurred boundaries in access to information: home office and public records management 
  • Privacy and transparency in health issues 
  • Access to Information and Freedom of Press 
  • Challenges of Transparency in the Digital Governments: Transparency of public administration in the use of Artificial Intelligence.    
  • State Secrecy 
  • The interplay between data protection and access to information 
  • Environmental Information and P10 
  • Transparency by design and document management as means of good governance  
  • Access to Information and public services delivery 
  • Transparency, Gender, and groups in situations of vulnerability   

           2.  Presenting author’s contact details: e-mail address; full postal address; phone number; full names of the author and coauthors; affiliation details (department, institution, state country) 
           3.  Papers should be divided into the following topics:

             a.  Title.

             b.  Abstract

             c.  Keywords.

             d. Research objectives and questions

             e.  Theoretical bases 

             f.   Methodology

            g.  Results and discussions

           h.  References 

       4.  Font: Garamond, 1,5 line spacing.  

       5.   Limit: Papers should have between 5 thousand and 7 thousand words, approximately, including references, figures, and tables. 



You will be asked to declare that you have received ethical approval for your study (if relevant), and you will be requested to confirm that you will declare any conflict of interest in your presentation at the Conference. 



Selected participants are expected to submit a final paper to the  Cadernos da CGU, after they receive feedback from the article evaluators and, if applicable, from the discussant and panelists.  



The ICIC Special Edition will be published on March 22, 2022.