About the Journal

Mission and Scope

The Revista da CGU is a scientific journal published by the Office of the Comptroller General (CGU), and whose focus is on knowledge and research about the following topics: accountability and anti-corruption policies; internal control and public audit; governance and risks; correctional procedures and administrative liability; transparency and social oversight; integrity and public ethics; ombudsman activities and public participation; corruption prevention and fighting; and research methodology around these topics.

The journal's mission is to diffuse and promote scientific knowledge and research in these areas, being its main target formed by researchers, public agents, and members of non-governmental organizations that develop studies or carry on and promote policies or actions on the topics listed above. Our priority is to publish works based on innovative and critical theoretical, theoretical-empirical, and methodological approaches.

The journal is available for publishing articles, translations, book reviews, and research reports in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, and our editorial policies and submission guidelines are available in these three languages.

Peer Review Process

The Peer Review Process follows international and national norms and best practices in particular the guidelines and recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics - COPE and National Research Council's Commission for Research Integrity of CNPq, and the Good Practices of Scientific Publication of the ANPAD (Brazilian Association of Graduate Programs in Administration).

Our Authors’ Guidelines and Publication Ethics present guidelines for submission and affirm the commitment of Revista da CGU to ethical standards and scientific field values for authors, editors, and reviewers and to guarantee the quality of published works.

This process begins with the receipt of contributions that are initially analyzed by the responsible editor in desk review, who considers their relevance to the Focus and Scope. At this stage, editors can reject contributions that are not close to the theoretical and empirical frontiers of the journal or that do not respect the principles and basic orientations of responsible academic communication.

At the next stage, two reviewers carry out the double-blind review. These reviewers make comments and recommendations for improvement by completing the Review Form. This stage results in the approval, approval with feedback, or rejection. In cases where there is no consensus between reviewers, a third analysis will be made.

After approval by the editors and reviewers, the work will go through a process of copy editing, including verification of bibliography, language, and other norms. This stage may involve further clarification from the authors. Following this, the final version will be sent to the authors for formal approval, after which no further modification will be accepted. The contribution will be published in electronic form on the journal website and associated repositories.

Publication Frequency

The Revista da CGU adopts the system of continuous publication.

Regular issues are published at least twice a year. Special editions are released when there is a need for studies on relevant and specific subjects related to the journal's topics.

Open Access Policy

The Revista da CGU adopts an Open Access Policy, which establishes that all works approved for publication are made available free of charge and permanently, in their integrality and without the requirement of prior registration. Also, there is no charge for submitting papers.

We provide access to both issues and each of the published works through unique and exclusive links and PDF files, available through the Current and Archives menus. Since volume 11, issue 20, each work has a specific DOI.

In this way, reading, downloading, copying, sharing, printing, researching, or referencing of published works is free of any charges and allowed without the need for prior permission from authors and editors, considering our Copyright Notice.

Publication Ethics

The Revista da CGU is committed to ethical standards and scientific field values to guide authors, editors, and reviewers in the Peer Review Process and to guarantee the quality of published works.

In this way, we adhere to Brazilian and international standards and best practices, in particular the guidelines and recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics - COPE and National Research Council's Commission for Research Integrity of CNPq.

All parties involved must observe our editorial policies, ethical standards, and scientific field values - whose non-compliance can lead to the retraction hypotheses - with emphasis on the following:


  • Contributions must present an objective discussion about the meaning of the research work, as well as sufficient details and references to allow replication of the experiments. Reviews must also be objective, comprehensive, and accurately take into account state of the art.
  • Authors must ensure that their work is entirely original and that citations are properly presented. Plagiarism, in all its forms, is unethical and unacceptable. Statements with fraud or inaccuracies also constitute unethical behavior and are unacceptable.
  • Authors should not submit contributions that are under review for consideration by other journals. The author responsible for the submission must ensure that there is complete acceptance by all co-authors about the final version of the article and its submission for publication.


  • The review of the manuscripts must be based exclusively on their academic merit. The editor must not use the information of works under consideration without the express consent of the authors.
  • Editors must ensure that the reviewers do not identify authors and vice versa. Editors must also take reasonable and responsive measures in the event of complaints or concerns regarding a submitted manuscript or published work.


  • The manuscripts must be reviewed as restricted access documents. Privileged information or ideas obtained through the double-blind must be kept confidential and cannot be used to gain any personal advantage.
  • Reviewers should not accept to analyze manuscripts with which they have any conflict of interest resulting from competitive, collaborative, or other relationships. They should also not accept to receive manuscripts with information that identifies the authors or to take any measures aimed at this identification or communication with the authors. If a reviewer knows that he should not carry out an evaluation, he should promptly communicate to the responsible editor.
  • The review process must be conducted objectively, and observations must be formulated with clear arguments to support them so that the authors can improve their work. If a selected reviewer does not feel qualified to carry out the assessment, he/she must promptly communicate to the responsible editor.

Errata and Retractions

The journal may publish errata or retractions for recording and correcting failures or non-compliance with the rules and standards set out in the Publication Ethics, Peer Review Process and Author Guidelines, especially in the following cases:

  • human error in data collection and classification; and
  • intentional conduct, such as simultaneous submissions to more than one journal, undeclared conflict of interest, fraud or manipulation of data, failure to comply with research protocols, plagiarism, or “slicing” the research.

Errata and retractions will be published through the journal's editions, identifying the affected works, eventual responsible, and reasons.

The journal will not retract works without first notifying the authors and carrying out an analysis of the written defenses if delivered within the deadline.

Journal History

The Revista da CGU was created in 2006. Between 2012 and 2014, no issues were published. The journal was reactivated in 2015 with semiannual issues. In 2018 it adopted the continuous publication system. Since 2020, the journal has been implementing a project to improve its editorial process and increase its impact factor