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Author Guidelines


Regarding the guidelines, the importance of our Editorial Policies, in particular on the Focus and Scope, Publication Ethics, Peer Review Process, Errata and Retractions, Copyright Notice, and Open Access Policy, available at About the Journal and Submissions.

We state that the journal receives contributions exclusively through its editorial process system, available at Contributions must be original and must not have been submitted for consideration by other journals. In the last two years, the average time for both evaluation and publication was 6 months.

About the accepted languages, contributions can be written in Portuguese, English, or Spanish. Works approved for publication must have in their final version the title, abstract, and keywords in these three languages. A specific DOI will be assigned to published papers.

We emphasize that the maximum number of authors per paper is five, and that changes in the authorship after the desk review stage are not allowed. For each of the authors, the link of Lattes Curriculum or another CV, ORCID ID, and affiliation must be informed. We also warn that the Journal seeks to avoid the publication of two or more articles by the same author per volume.

Contributions must also observe the topics of Formatting and Presentation and Submission Preparation Checklist, presented below, and it is essential that the text of submitted contributions does not contain information that could lead to the identification of the authors.

In the case of contributions submitted for special dossiers, the formatting and presentation rules established for the dossier must also be observed.



Length (in case of special dossier, check if there are specific rules)

  • Articles: up to 7 thousand words, including references, graphs, and tables.
  • Translations: up to 7 thousand words, including references, graphs, and tables, prepared from an article or book chapter of recognized importance for knowledge and research on the themes of the journal.
  • Reviews: up to 3,000 words, including references, tables and, graphs, prepared from books published up to 2 years before submission.
  • Research Reports: up to 2,000 words, including references, tables, and graphs.


  • The cover page and the body text of the contribution must have been prepared using a word processor, in DOC, DOCx, or RTF format.
  • The font used in the cover page and the body of the text must be Garamond, size 12, with 1.5 line spacing.
  • Footnotes can be used when they are strictly necessary to clarify an explanation or source of information.
  • Graphs and tables must be prepared using a spreadsheet processor, in the format XLS or XLSX.
  • Figures must be made using a drawing processor, in JPG, PNG, or TIFF format.
  • Tables, graphs, and figures, in the body of the text, must be numbered and contain the description of their content at the top. Notes and sources should be indicated below. Italics or bold should not be used in the markup. The captions of the tables must appear in Garamond font size 11.

References (in case of special dossier, check if there are specific rules)

References should be presented at the end of the article, in single spacing, without skipping a line between one reference and another, using a 0.75 cm offset, organized in alphabetical order by the author's last name (and chronological when applicable), in according to the norms of the APA (American Psychological Association). For more information: American Psychological Association (APA). (2019). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. (7th ed.). Washington, DC.

Documents for submission

  • The cover page, the body of text, the tables, graphs, and figures must be submitted in separate files and named according to their content.
  • On the submission platform, each document may be uploaded according to its category. Observations:
  1. The cover page must identify the authors with name, affiliation, e-mail, electronic address of the Lattes curriculum or other CV, ID ORCID, city, state, and country. It must also include an abbreviated curriculum for each author, with their academic background and professional performance.
  2. Abstracts must have up to 300 words, with a specific field for the abstract on the sending platform.
  3. Up to five descriptors (keywords) are accepted, with a specific field for them on the sending platform.
  4. The body of the text MUST NOT contain any information that allows the identification of any of the authors.
  5. Information on the source code and databases used must be informed in the methodology, with access to the hosting platform (GitHub, GitLAb or other open-source platforms).

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The contribution has five authors or less, being indicated their names, current affiliations, e-mails, links to Lattes curriculum or other CV, and the ORCID ID.

  • The contents of the table cells are presented in a Garamond font, size 10. The tables have a header, notes and indications of the data sources, in a way that allows understanding the meaning of the data collected, without the need to refer to the text.

  • Attachments and appendices should only be used in the case of lists, statistics, and other supporting elements that are essential for understanding the text.

  • The cover page and the body of the text were formatted in 1,5 space; Garamond size 12; italic and not underlined (except for URL addresses); pictures and charts are inserted in the text. The text has A4 format (210 x 297mm) with 2.5 cm top and bottom margins, 3 cm left and right.

  • The pages of the body of the text are numbered in the upper right corner.

  • The cover page and the body of the text are in separate files with DOC, DOCx, or RTF formats, up to 10MB.

  • The contribution is original and it is not being considered for publication by other journals. In cases of a previous publication in a Conference Proceedings Library or other events, only papers that contain substantial advances to the version presented at events will be admitted.
  • The contribution meets and all authors agree with the Editorial Policies, in particular on the Mission and Scope, Publication Ethics, Copyright notice, and Open Access Policy. In case the contribution is linked to a special dossier, the authors comply with and agree with the dossier's policies and guidelines.

  • The contribution has titles and abstracts in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, which contain up to 300 words, followed by five keywords.
  • The work informed in the methodology the means of accessing the database and the source code (link to Github, GitLab, or another platform with open access) to verify its results.
  • All direct and indirect quotes, as well references are compliant to APA (American Psychological Association) standarts, or, in case the contribution is linked to a special dossier, the rules for the presentation of citations and bibliographic references established by the specific dossier's policies and guidelines are met.


The journal welcomes articles published in Portuguese, English or Spanish. They must be original and must not have been published elsewhere, and must relate to the topics of the journal. In the case of articles linked to special dossiers, the policies and guidelines of the dossier must be observed.


We welcome translations from English or Spanish to Portuguese, or vice-versa. Translation submissions must be accompanied by the original article or chapter and by a prior authorization for publishing. In the case of contributions linked to special dossiers, the dossier policies and guidelines must be observed.

Book Reviews

The journal receives reviews of books published less than two years ago. Reviews can be written in the accepted languages. Book review maximum length is 3,000 words, including references. Please include the title, authors' names, publishing information, and page count in the title. Please include your name, affiliation, and institutional address and email at the end. For the review itself, we prefer less formulaic, more personalized perspectives. In the case of contributions linked to special dossiers, the dossier policies and guidelines must be observed.

Privacy Statement

The journal seeks adherence to rules and best practices for protecting the personal data of readers and authors, which is not made available for other purposes or to third parties. This data is used exclusively in our editorial process, to send notifications about our calls for papers, news, and new issues, and to collect information to assess the journal's quality.

With the registration of the profiles of readers and authors by themselves through the services of Register or Submissions, the use and treatment of personal data indicated above will be considered as "accepted."