Revista da CGU opens call for a special dossier on Data Science in Public Administration


The Revista da CGU publishes a call for papers for the Special Dossier “Data Science in Public Administration: Challenges and Opportunities”, to be published in the December 2022 edition, under the coordination of guest editors, Professors Alex Lopes Pereira (ENAP) , Ricardo Marcacini (ICMC/USP) and Solange Oliveira Rezende (ICMC/USP).


To compose the dossier, the Revista da CGU invites authors to submit works in the form of scientific articles, revision essays or technical reports. Among the topics of interest in the dossier are:


  • Data science and government auditing;
  • Data science and public policy evaluation;
  • Data science to improve management;
  • Data science applied to participation and social control;
  • Technologies of Digital Transformation in Public Administration;
  • Use of technology in correctional activity;
  • Use of Big Data, Data Mining and AI in the fight against Corruption and Fraud Detection;
  • Technological Innovations in Public Management arising from the Pandemic; and
  • Applications for Electronic Government.


This special call will be open from March 8th to July 18th.


Data Science in Public Administration


Data science is an interdisciplinary research area that is receiving increasing attention for popularizing the use of scientific methods for extracting knowledge from data sets. Statistics, machine learning, database, data and text mining, big data and information retrieval are examples of areas explored by a data scientist.


The Public Administration, in turn, is in constant digital transformation. Electronic document management and the recent incentives for the availability of open government data platforms are examples of how large digital public administration databases are currently available. However, extracting knowledge from these large databases is a research challenge in which Data Science methods and techniques can provide promising solutions. Government auditing, public policy monitoring, government transparency, fraud detection and anti-corruption are some examples of solutions that can benefit from the use of Data Science methods and techniques.



Revista da CGU


Revista da CGU is a scientific journal aimed at promoting and disseminating knowledge and high-quality research on topics related to the areas of Control, Auditing, Correctional activity, Transparency, Ombudsman and Prevention and Combating Corruption.



Policies and guidelines for submiting


The policies and guidelines for submitting contributions for the dossier are:


1) the works must observe and contribute to the objective and themes of this dossier;


2) the contributions can be written in Portuguese, English or Spanish, being mandatory the presentation of the title, abstract and up to five keywords in these three languages;


3) when submitting this call, the section “Data Science in Public Administration: Challenges and Opportunities” must be indicated, by marking this specific field in the checkbox labeled “section”;


4) citations and bibliographic references must comply with the norms of the American Psychological Association (APA);


5) scientific articles must aim at the construction and consolidation of theoretical or theoretical-empirical knowledge, containing up to 7,000 words, with originality and clear and consistent presentation of the methodology, question and research objectives being mandatory;


6) the essays must address specific empirical or theoretical themes relevant to access to information due to their originality, impact or controversy, containing up to 4,000 words;


7) technical reports must present practical discussions on experiences related to mechanisms of access to information and recommendations for better design, implementation and evaluation of policies, and must contain up to 4,000 words with the following proposed structure: i) introduction: context, background, diagnosis and objective; ii) body of work: practical discussions on experiences related to mechanisms of access to information and recommendations for better policy design, implementation and evaluation; iii) recommendations: practical guidelines for similar cases, necessary adjustments in legislation, policies and arrangements, guidelines for innovation, etc; iv) references: list of documents, reports, regulations, bibliography and other references that were cited.




  • Launch of the call for papers: Mar 8th, 2022
  • Closing of the receipt of contributions: July 18th, 2022
  • The result of the evaluation process: Sept 19th, 2022
  • Launch of the special dossier: December, 2022



To submit your article, essay or technical report, see