Call for Papers – Public Integrity


What exactly are the elements that make up public integrity? What are its fundamental components? How can it be best implemented in the public sector, particularly in Brazil where important additional initiatives, such as promoting diversity, are priorities?

The field of study of "public institutional integrity" has recently proposed answers to these questions, which could provide a helpful framework in a fast-moving world, including one in which productive policy innovation is key. Under this scenario, new technologies, such as AI and block chain, have emerged potential ally for promoting integrity and enabling institutional trust. However, there is still a lack of evidence and in-depth reflection on the impacts of the so-called “tech for integrity”.

In the global panorama, criticisms are multiplying about the limited effectiveness of applying the classic model of anti-corruption policies. This model, in force for more than three decades, is based mainly on the principal-agent theory and is characterized by the reproduction of standardized approaches, often disseminated by international organizations. As an alternative strategy to combat corruption, the concept of collective action has surfaced, bringing together coalitions of organizations and pooling efforts through the adoption of shared principles and standards. Although considered an important tool, this approach is still more commonly observed across multiple firms within a given sector, without necessarily the participation of the public sector. Recent research also suggests that for anti-corruption initiatives to be successful in the long run, they should more holistically promote institutional health in a way that takes into account specific contexts, often summarized as building institutional integrity. This approach similarly prioritizes shifting norms and logics, and promotes nurturing public servants’ sense of vocation, supporting substantive participation and representation, and encouraging innovation and efficiency within the boundaries of legitimate process.

In order to enrich the academic dialogue, the Revista da Controladoria Geral da União (CGU) invites authors to submit contributions that include theoretical reflections, empirical research (both quantitative and qualitative), evaluations and propositions related to theory and practical application this emerging integrity agenda, and how it intersects with themes that are simultaneously finding prominence: the promotion of diversity in the public sector (for example, racial and gender diversity), and the exploration and adoption of new technologies, such as AI. Both single case studies and comparative analyses are welcome.

The editorial coordination of the Special Dossier on Public Integrity: An Agenda Emerging in the Public Sector will be led by guest editors Anna Petherick (University of Oxford), Fernanda Odilla (University of Bologna) and Pepe Tonin (Director of Studies and Development at Public Integrity of the Public Integrity Secretariat of the CGU).

The Dossier on Integrity: An Emerging Agenda in the Public Sector will be published in August 2024.

Those interested in contributing have until March 31, 2024 to submit their work.

To compose the dossier, Revista da CGU invites authors to submit papers in the format of scientific articles, review essays or technical reports. We strongly recommend that before submitting, potential contributors familiarize themselves with this paper discussing the concept of institutional integrity. Among the specific topics of interest in the dossier are:


1. How the theoretical and methodological frontiers of the public integrity agenda are emerging, especially though not uniquely in the Brazilian context;

2. Integrity practices: how we can learn and evaluate experiences for promoting integrity at different levels of government;

3. Transparency initiatives as part of integrity;

4. Building institutional integrity alongside the representative bureaucracy and rights agenda, especially considering gender and racial diversity;

5. Bringing together integrity and innovation, such as in the field of articifial intelligence and e-government;

6. Encouraging productive coordination and integrous practices: moving from islands to archipelagoes of institutional integrity;

7. Relations between public integrity, and institutional trust in the Brazilian context;

8. Behavioral Insights for Public Integrity;

9. Efforts to foster associated engagement and partnerships with stakeholders, such as by bolstering social accountability, amplifying participation in the policy-making process, and preventing policy capture.

10. New challenges for public integrity, considering, for example, the context of emerging technologies, the transformative nature of corruption and democratic backlashes.


Revista da CGU (ISSN 2595-668X) is a scientific journal published by the Comptroller General of the Union (CGU) of Brazil and aimed at disseminating and promoting knowledge and research on the following topics: accountability and anti-corruption policies; internal control and public audit; governance and risks; correction and administrative accountability; transparency and social control; integrity and public ethics; ombudsman and social participation; and preventing and combating corruption. We also publish scientific papers on research methodology applied to these topics.

The guidelines for the presentation and submission of papers can be found on the Revista da CGU website, through the electronic address: