Dossier on "Regulation in the context of the improvement of the State": Guidelines for submission of papers

The guidelines for submitting papers for this Special Dossier are:

  • works must observe and contribute to the objective and themes of this dossier;
  • contributions can be written in Portuguese, English or Spanish, with the submission of the title, abstract and up to five keywords in these three languages ​​being mandatory;
  • Important note: when submitting for this call, the Special Dossier section “Challenges of regulation in improving the State” must be indicated, selecting this specific field in the checkbox designated “section”
  • Scientific articles must contain up to 7,000 words, being mandatory: i) originality; ii) the clear and consistent presentation of the research methodology, question and objectives;
  • revision essays must contain up to 4,000 words and must be focused on specific empirical or theoretical themes and of relevance in the regulatory scope due to their originality, impact or controversy;
  • technical reports must deal with eminently practical topics and contain up to 4,000 words, with the following structure:
  1. Introduction: political-administrative context and background, diagnosis of the basic regulatory problem, objective of the regulatory policy;
  2. Body of the work: report of the regulatory experience or of the construction of the decision-making process or structuring of the regulation or results of regulatory evaluation, methodology adopted for implementation / evaluation, critical factors of success or failure, learning, financial-budgetary resources, legal, political, technical aspects , administrative or other intervening factors;
  3. Recommendations: practical guidelines for similar cases, recommendations for regulatory practice, necessary adjustments in legislation, guidelines for the incremental adaptation of existing regulations, etc.
  4. References: list of documents, reports, regulations, bibliography and other references that were cited in the Technical Report.
  5. Note: a “theoretical” chapter on regulation is not necessary, but it is recommended to mix the empirical description with theoretical foundations of regulation theory. Other sections of the technical report can be created as needed. The section titles must be customized to summarize their content.

For more information on submission, observe the other rules, policies and guidelines of the Journal, available at link