The Strengthening Process and the New Journal Editorial Structure


The Revista da CGU is a scientific journal aimed at diffusing knowledge and scientific research in the following topics: internal control, risks, and public audit; governance and public accountability; correctional procedures and administrative liability; transparency and social accountability; integrity and public ethics; ombudsman activities and public participation; corruption prevention and fighting; and methodological research around these topics.

Currently, the journal is under a significant effort to improve its governance and editorial process and increase its impact factor. Its latest issue contains articles in Portuguese and English by prominent authors on the journal's topics, as well as translations of research originally published in prestigious foreign journals.

A new editorial committee was created to drive this process, made up of the following members:

I - Temístocles Murilo de Oliveira Júnior;

II - Flávio Rezende Dematté;

III - Márcio Camargo Cunha Filho;

IV - Mariana Barbosa Cirne; e

V - Vítor César Silva Xavier.