Revista da CGU opens call for a special dossier on regulation in the context of the improvement of the state


Scientific articles, technical reports and short essays will be received until July 17th

The Revista da CGU, in partnership with the Brazilian Society of Public Administration (SBAP), releases a call for papers for a Special Dossier “Perspectives and Challenges of Regulation in the Context of the Improvement of the State”, to be published in the December 2021 under the coordination of guest editors professors Leonardo Secchi and Bruno Queiroz Cunha.

Revista da CGU invites authors to submit papers in the following formats: scientific articles, aimed at the construction and consolidation of theoretical or theoretical-empirical knowledge; revision essays, dealing with a specific empirical or theoretical theme and its relevance in the scope of regulation; and technical reports, for practical debates of recent experiences in regulatory agencies and recommendation of policy guidelines for better design, implementation and assessment of regulation.

Among the topics of interest in the dossier are:

  • Regulatory governance: national, subnational aspects and comparative perspective;
  • Regulation and accountability;
  • Regulation and integrity;
  • Anti-corruption regulation;
  • Regulation and social control / transparency;
  • Regulation and innovation;
  • Scientific-technological aspects of regulation;
  • Evidence-based regulation;
  • Regulation and control in times of crisis: challenges, changes and new paradigms; and
  • Regulation and protection of private data.

This special call will be open from March 15 to July 17. Instructions for submission and the submission portal can be found on the website of Revista da CGU:

Regulation on the agenda

Regulation has, in many contexts, become the quintessential public intervention tool. States increasingly manage important economic sectors and activities with social impact through a mediated and formalized type of governance, often horizontal and polycentric.

Regulation currently occupies much of the spectrum of government actions and budget. The idea of ​​a regulatory state as a representative of modernity - contrary, therefore, to an alleged outdated interventionism - shapes mental models and guides the action of public organizations in areas as diverse as infrastructure, the environment, public health and education. However, such a view can also give rise to excessive simplifications. Currently, there is more diversity, in addition to less normativism, in the daily practice of regulation; but also, in certain circumstances, there are more conflicts and cutting-edge issues that are still poorly theorized.

Research in this area, interdisciplinary in nature, has followed developments in line with ideas such as post-managerialism and post-agencification, new public governance, in addition to topics such as economic complexity, systems and network analysis, as well as issues related to innovation. The factual reality also forces regulation and its dedicated institutions to share the efforts related to problems such as the deepening of socio-economic inequalities, risks to the environment, in addition to, presumably, wide-ranging crises such as the one emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Revista da CGU

Revista da CGU is a scientific journal aimed at promoting and disseminating knowledge and high-quality research on topics related to the areas of Control, Auditing, Correctional activity, Transparency, Ombudsman and Prevention and Combating Corruption.


  • Launch of the call for papers: 03/15/2021
  • Closing of the receipt of contributions: 07/17/2021
  • Result of the evaluation process: 17/09/2021
  • Launch of the special dossier: December 2021