Revista da CGU presents thematic edition on regulation in the improvement of the State


On December 16, at 10:30 am, the Office of the Comptroller General (CGU) and the Brazilian Society of Public Administration (SBAP) presents the 24th issue of Revista da CGU, which the special dossier “Perspectives and challenges of regulation in improvement of the State”, under the coordination of guest editors, professors Leonardo Secchi (Udesc/SBAP) and Bruno Queiroz Cunha (INCT/PPED/UFRJ).

The event will be held remotely, via the Teams platform. No pre-registration is required to participate in the launch.

The dossier comprises eight unpublished papers, chosen through a public process for selecting articles, opened in March of this year.

Regulation in question

The special dossier entitled “Perspectives and challenges of regulation in the improvement of the State” aimed to help give due visibility to technical-scientific production on the subject of regulation in Brazil. In partnership with the Brazilian Society of Public Administration (SBAP), Revista da CGU sought to select scientific articles, technical reports and review essays from Brazil or abroad.

The special call received a significant number of papers, eight of which were selected for publication, after intensive blind review work carried out by peers that, in some situations, required the opinion of a third reviewer to ensure the accuracy of the publications. Of the published works, four are scientific articles and four are technical reports, but all with a general characteristic of theoretical-technical density and with potential for practical application to improve the regulatory process.

The contents of the approved papers include regulation and the fight against corruption, methodologies and applications to assess the regulatory institutional capacity, regulatory governance and the analysis of regulatory activity in specific sectors, namely electricity, gas, road infrastructure and communications.

Selected papers

The paper that opens the dossier discusses the potential effects of adopting the Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) in preventing corruption. Next, two technical reports are presented related to the Institutional Capacity for Regulation Index (i-CIR), a tool for qualifying regulatory activity developed in partnership between the Office of the Comptroller General (CGU) and the United Nations Office of Project Services (UNOPS).

The fourth paper addresses the limits of competences of external control over the regulatory autonomy of agencies. The dossier is also complemented by four papers related to the sector of regulation of specific areas, namely the sectors of electricity, road infrastructure, energy and communications.

Revista da CGU

In addition to the eight works in the special dossier, the 24th issue also features an article selected by the continuous flow of submissions, in which the authors assess the dynamics of inspection of administrative contracts in public hospitals. The results revealed findings related to the influence of variables such as the accumulation of contracts by inspectors, participation in contract planning, technical training compatible with the contracted service, internal training and availability of documents related to the contract.

Revista da CGU is a scientific journal aimed at promoting and disseminating knowledge and high-quality research on topics related to the areas of Control, Audit, Correction, Transparency, Ombudsman and Prevention and Fight against Corruption.


Date: 12/16/2021

Time: 10:30 am (Brasilia time)

Link: click here

10:30 am – Opening

José Marcelo Castro de Carvalho, Executive Secretary of the CGU

10:40 am – Brazilian Regulatory Overview

Marcelo Guaranys, Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Economy

11:00 am to 11:30 am - Challenges of Regulation in the Improvement of the State: present and future

Bruno Cunha, special guest editor

Leonardo Secchi, special guest editor


Daniel Caldeira, Editor-in-chief of Revista da CGU