Diagnosis of ageism in the Brazilian public service: the need to combat the prejudice projected for the future of the civil servant


  • Sergio Neiva




ageísm, discrimination, aging, professionalization, governance


The Brazilian demographic context points to an effective workforce aged in the short term. The motivation for conducting this study is to reflect and analyze the scenario of the elderly as members of the workforce in the Brazilian public service. This paper aims to identify the perceptions among federal public servants in office in the Federal Executive Branch who are over 60 years old and the implications for the socioeconomic differences that exist in this class. For this, we proceeded with a field research carried out through interviews with federal civil servants in this age group, in addition to the purification of the database of the Integrated Personnel Administration System - Siape - through data mining techniques. Naturally, the socioeconomic aspects will serve as a basis for the implementation of a human resources management policy aimed at older people and combating ageism. Furthermore, the analysis of the Siape data indicated that gender, education, the region of the country, position and remuneration are conditions for the implementation of age management practices and, therefore, the professionalization of the elderly workforce in the federal public service.


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How to Cite

Diagnosis of ageism in the Brazilian public service: the need to combat the prejudice projected for the future of the civil servant. Revista da CGU, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 23, p. 106–120, 2021. DOI: 10.36428/revistadacgu.v13i23.399. Disponível em: https://revista.cgu.gov.br/Revista_da_CGU/article/view/399.. Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.