Public Call n° 01/2021 - Register of Academic Reviewers for the Revista da CGU

1. The Revista da CGU makes Call n° 01/2021 public with the purpose of inviting scholars from the national and international academic community to join the register of reviewers for the journal.

2. The purpose of the register of reviewers is to select scholars to voluntarily review, therefore, without any compensation, articles submitted to the referred journal, according to submission rules established by the journal.

3. The Revista da CGU (ISSN 2595-668X) is a scientific periodical published by the Office of the Comptroller General (CGU) aimed at disseminating and promoting knowledge and research on the following topics: accountability; anti-corruption policies; internal controls; public auditing; governance; risk management; disciplinary affairs; administrative liability of legal entities; transparency; social control and oversight; integrity; public ethics; ombudsman; civic engagement; and preventing and fighting corruption. Currently, the Journal meets the criteria for classification in the Qualis B1 stratum, which was adopted in the last evaluation of journals of the Parent Subject of Public and Business Administration, Accounting and Tourism at CAPES/Ministry of Education. In the 2013-2016 quadrennium, the Journal was classified in the Qualis B4 stratum (CAPES). It was also included in the Spell database (Scientific Periodicals Electronic Library) in 2020. The body of reviewers of the Revista da CGU is composed of researchers, masters, and doctors, with established scientific production in the subject areas related to the journal.

4. Applications must be submitted between March 26, 2021 and May 10, 2021, by sending an e- mail to the following address:

5. To apply, candidates must meet the following requirements:

a. hold a master’s or doctor's degree with academic production in subjects related to the thematic areas of the journal; and

b. forward the electronic link to his or her updated CV in the LATTES (for Brazilian nationals) or ORCID (for foreign researchers) platform. 

6. By registering, the reviewer is committed to conducting up to two reviews per year.

7. After the conclusion of the application period, and until June 9, 2021, the Revista da CGU editorial team will inform candidates, by e-mail, whether they have been included in the register or not, as well as indicate the reasons for not registering candidates. From that date, researchers may already be invited to review articles.

8. The review task will be on a voluntary basis, not characterizing any employment relationship. There is no provision for scholarships or compensation of any kind.

9. The registered researcher may terminate his or her participation in the journal at any time, without the need to present justification.

10. The Revista da CGU reserves the right to publish the names of registered reviewers on its website and in its editions.

11. Questions regarding the application process should be sent to the following e-mail address:

Brasília, March 26, 2021.

Daniel Matos Caldeira

Editor-in-Chief of Revista da CGU