About the Journal

The Revista da CGU (ISSN 2595-668X) is a scientific journal published by the Office of the Comptroller General (CGU) aimed at diffusing and promoting knowledge and research in the following topics: accountability and anti-corruption policies; internal control and public audit; governance and risks; correctional procedures and administrative liability; transparency and social oversight; integrity and public ethics; ombudsman activities and public participation; and corruption prevention and fighting. We are also interested in promoting studies focused on research methodology around these topics.

In the 2013-2016 quadrennium, the Journal was classified in stratum B4 of the Capes / MEC (Brazil's Ministry of Education official evaluation system). In the 2021-2022 biennium, the Journal intends to increase its impact factor, aiming to meet the criteria for classification in stratum B1 adopted in the last evaluation of journals of the Parent Area of ​​Public and Business Administration, Accounting and Tourism of Capes/MEC.


Current Issue

Vol. 16 No. 29 (2024): Revista da CGU, 29,jan-jun/2024
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