Vol. 12 No. 22 (2020): Revista da CGU, 22, jul-dez/2020

					View Vol. 12 No. 22 (2020): Revista da CGU, 22, jul-dez/2020

This issue contains 12 unpublished papers. The first three are articles from the continuous editorial process. The following two are in the special dossier Government Control, Prevention and Combat of Corruption, resulting from the research program promoted by the CGU's Superintendence in the State of Minas Gerais in partnership with the AGU School in Minas Gerais and the School of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Minas Gerais. The following seven papers comprise the special dossier Accountability and Control in Context of Pandemia, whose editorial process took place under the scientific coordination of professors Frederico Lustosa da Costa (UFF) and Eduardo José Grin  (FGV EAESP).

Published: 2020-12-30