Vol. 13 No. 23 (2021): v. 13 i. 22 (2021): Revista da CGU, 23, jan-jun/2021

					View Vol. 13 No. 23 (2021): v. 13 i. 22 (2021): Revista da CGU, 23, jan-jun/2021

This edition features eleven original works. The first six articles compose the Special Dossier “Interfaces between State Sanctions”, inaugurated by an interview with Professor Raquel Scalcon, special editor of this dossier to professor Marcio Cunha Filho on the understanding of Criminal Law from the Fundamental Rights. This edition also includes three works from the continuous flow of submissions to the Journal, ending with the last two articles belonging to the Special Dossier "Government Control, Prevention and Combating Corruption", which is the result of the research program with the same name promoted by CGU Superintendence in the State of Minas Gerais in partnership with the School of the Attorney General´s Office in Minas Gerais (EAGU / MG) and with the School of the Legislative Assembly of Minas Gerais (ELE / ALMG).

Published: 2021-05-27

Governmental Control, Fighting and Prevention of Corruption