Potential gains in scale through the integration of Data Science to the modus operandi of the Internal Audit Activity

A case on activities of the Special Group for Audit and Inspection of Contracts (GEAIC) at Comptroller General of State of Goiás (CGE)


  • Fábio Assunção Guimarães Universidade de Brasília - UnB




Internal Audit, Data Science, Economy of Scale, Transaction Costs, Internal Control


The article evaluates if there are potential gains of scale through integration of Data Science to the modus operandi on Internal Audit Activity. That is a case on activities of the Special Group for Audit and Inspection of Contracts (GEAIC) at Comptroller General of State of Goiás (CGE). For this was used a theoretical approach based on transaction costs theory and institutional economics. The results show that, combined with internal audit process, Data Science can contribute to increasing production without increasing the average long-term cost of the operation, since infrastructure changes or increase in human resources are not suggested, characterizing gain of economies of scale. This gain can be materialize through a rising in amount of processes and financial resources inspected; a greater possibility of covering objects for the Audit Findings already mapped; identification, through patterns mapping or deviations, of indications that may reveal themselves in new Findings; identifying areas that require additional audit focus; grouping common objects for audit; automation of processes for continuous inspection, among others.


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Auditoria Interna Governamental: Análise, Discussão e Persp. no Espaço Lusófono

How to Cite

Potential gains in scale through the integration of Data Science to the modus operandi of the Internal Audit Activity: A case on activities of the Special Group for Audit and Inspection of Contracts (GEAIC) at Comptroller General of State of Goiás (CGE). Revista da CGU, [S. l.], v. 15, n. 28, 2023. DOI: 10.36428/revistadacgu.v15i28.628. Disponível em: https://revista.cgu.gov.br/Revista_da_CGU/article/view/628.. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.

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